Sui Global Crew3 Hunter Season 2
Hello Sui Global community and our future members!
One month ago we launched the Sui Global Crew3 Hunter Season 1 program. We’re excited to see more partners joining us and our community members getting so involved in our program and quests!
Some information about results of Season 1
Sui Global community took the first place in terms of activity on the Crew3 platform and we continue to occupy it for 3 weeks.
- 7 partners participated in Sui Global Season 1:
Talofa games, Ethos Wallet, Suiet Wallet, MovEX, Peeranha, Cyborgs - More than 92 400 participants took part in Season 1
- More than 1 905 000 tasks completed
These are impressive results!
- 2,400 participants completed all quests and received the Crew3Hunter role;
- 815 participants received the OG role at the end of the 48-hour event with Crew3Hunters;
- 61 participants received the highest award and were included in the Alpha community!
What are the advantages of the Alpha community?
1. Access to a private chat room;
2. Insights on Sui projects;
3. High-value roles and WL from our partners;
4. WL for Sui Global NFT;
5. Recommendation from Sui Global for employment;
6. Receiving any assistance from the Sui Global team.
Yes! We were not mistaken, Sui Global will have its own NFT collection with a very valuable utility, which we will talk about later.
Now we are building together the most cohesive community. We really appreciate our community and want to share our success with you. Without our community, there would be no Sui Global.
In addition to awards for the Alpha community, we have provided an opportunity for Crew3Hunters to receive over 500 WL from our partners.
Also, Sui Global Crew3Hunter participants were given the namesake roles of our partners and these results will be appreciated!
Ethos — rewarded the Top 20 in the Sui 8192 game and will provide early access for their next game, as well as assign a valuable role in Discord.
Ethos — appreciates each participant completing the quest and will give early access to his Discord.
And that’s just the beginning!
We are all at a very early stage. We strongly believe that user support at an early stage is especially valuable for projects. That’s why Sui Global is the only project that tracks your activity at the DevNet stage. And we want to reward you for your support!
In addition to talking about awards, we sincerely hope that you learn a lot about new projects developing at Sui, and that traveling with Sui Global is fun!!! Because we get it!
Sui Global Crew3Hunter Season 2
We are excited to announce that we are ready to launch Sui Global Crew3Hunter Season 2!
We are sure that Season 2 will be even more grandiose because it involves 9 new partners, as a Suiswap, Clutchy, KriyaDEX, Glass Wallet, Morphis Wallet, Araya Finance, Occult, Akashi, Suiriken ninjas dojo!!!
New quests are available now. And will be added in a few days.
To get the role of Crew3Hunter you need to complete only 5 quests in full. We hope that you complete all the quests, because our goal is to introduce you to projects developing on Sui.
Also, the TOP 10 in leaderboard will be accepted into the Alpha community and receive a WL on the Sui Global NFT collection.
Let’s make a second wave for #Suinami together!
Let’s Ride!
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